Website Analysis & Quality Audit A full diagnosis to optimize your web page

SEO, security, performance, accessibility and more: our web service provides an immediate, installation-free comprehensive audit covering all aspects of web quality.

Our reports define your priorities through detailed guidelines adapted to the technologies used on your website. Our continuous technological watch will help experts apply today the best practices that will make tomorrow's standards.

example of best practice provided by Dareboost
example of best practice provided by Dareboost

No subscription needed. Launch your first web page analysis for free

Dareboost score is computed thanks to dozens of quality checks
Dareboost score is computed thanks to dozens of quality checks

100+ quality checks in our analyses

While measuring the loading speed of your website’s pages, Dareboost also collects tons of data regarding their structure (HTML, images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.). Such data is then analyzed and checked against our 100+ best practices related to on-page SEO, web performance, security or accessibility.

In the blink of an eye, get an overall quality score as well as detailed results to understand the detected issues and their consequences, which will help you implement the relevant optimizations.

Detailed advice on optimization

Not only does Dareboost reveals the issues and weaknesses linked to your web page; our tool also provides solutions, ordered by priority. Our optimization advice are rated according to their estimated impact on business activity and are continuously improved thanks to feedback from our 45,000+ users.

Our tool detects the technologies used on your website (CMS, frameworks, etc.) and consequently delivers highly personalized tips, adapted to your website’s technical environment.

As a result, we provide the most detailed, ready-to-use solutions available on the market. Waste no more time identifying the best optimizations areas: Dareboost will do it for you!

Dareboost score is computed thanks to dozens of quality checks
Dareboost score is computed thanks to dozens of quality checks

PDF export and report sharing

In a single click, integrate our audits into your workflow, by sharing them with your coworkers, service providers or customers. The audits can also be exported into a neat PDF file.

We also provide an additional white-labeled option, to export your reports with your own company logo. A great feature for web development and SEO agencies to get instant, elegant deliverables.

Continuous web quality watch

The Dareboost team regularly upgrades checked best practices thanks to its continuous technological watch focusing on web performance and quality.

Not only do we make sure our clients comply with the latest web best practices, but we also anticipate the next best standards by introducing new quality checks whose overall score impacts are gradually increased.

Join our 450+ Pro customers and start optimizing your website now

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Clients of our performance test and website analysis tool