Measure Load Time, TTFB and more with Dareboost

From your server to your service providers, Dareboost measure dozens of technical metrics and makes them accessible in one single report.

« Performance test

Why you should measure the technical load times?

speed impacts user experience

Your server response time is very far from being the only factor that will cause a slow down. The front-end (all data sent to the user for the display of the page) is responsible for about 80% the user waiting time.

For that reason, it is necessary to measure the front-end performance of your website since it impacts the user experience and therefore your income!

The technical performance test: main features

Our reports provide dozens of indicators. You will obviously find classic metrics: Server response time (TTFB), the distribution of the weight of the page, the number of requests, and a waterfall.

Dareboost also offers indicators for experts, as the results of the Performance.Timing API. Finally, all our test reports include results related to the user experience and checkpoints related to performance best practices.

  • Real Browser Testing
  • Advanced Settings: bandwidth, latency, etc.
  • Waterfall / Timeline
  • Performance.Timing API